Výbor české chirurgické společnosti České lékařské společnosti J. E. Purkyně udělil dne 19. dubna 2018 doc. MUDr. Václavu Liškovi, Ph.D. Maydlovu cenu za rok 2016 za vědeckou publikaci Experimental Surgery vydanou v nakladatelství Nava v roce 2016.

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The Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine presents a lecture by Dr. Petr Šolc – Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences on Wednesday, May 9th, 2018, 10 a.m. in seminar room of Biomedical Center.

The Petr Solc’s lecture has been canceled. The lecture will be postponed and alternative term will be announced.

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Three positions for PhD study in brain physiology and pathophysiology are open for applicants 

Hippocampus - place cells - grid cells - prefrontal cortex - memory - calcium imaging - electrophysiology - eeg - neural networks

Positions formally start in Oct, but the funding is partially available since summer.

Each of them is covered with a stipend and project salary of ca 750 EUR/month after taxing. 

Apply by 31. April 2018

It is advisable to contact dr. Jezek or dr. Blahna.

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Sleep activity in health and ilness    

Supervisor: Karel Blahna , M.D., Ph.D.

Laboratory of Experimental Neurophysiology, Biomedical Centre, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University

Department of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University


Sleep activity in health and ilness    

The aim of the project is to understand in detail the mechanisms of processing information in sleep across brain memory systems under physiological and pathological conditions. The memory track is gradually built and then transformed from temporary (hippocampus) into long-term storage (cortex). This process of transmission of information requires exact timing of the activity of the involved brain structures that occurs when the organism is at rest or in sleep. The theme of the project will be the study of these mechanisms in physiological conditions and in human disease models. Methods of recording unit activity and eeg in laboratory rodents will be used.


Memory processing and brain rhythms

Supervisor: Karel Ježek, M.D., Ph.D.

Laboratory of Experimental Neurophysiology, Biomedical Centre, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University

Department of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University


Spatial memory in mammals is processed in neural networks of hippocampo-neocortical brain circuitry. As these networks intensively communicate, their activity must be precisely synchronized. The goal of this project is to characterize various rhythms present in the hippocampal system and to explore their role in spatial memory processing by electrophysiology techniques in laboratory animals.


Brain activity, cellular imaging and memory

Supervisor: Karel Ježek, M.D., Ph.D.

Laboratory of Experimental Neurophysiology, Biomedical Centre, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University

Department of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University


The goal of the project is to better understand information processing in brain memory systems. Large scale neural networks build step by step complex representations of the surrounding world, stored in the patterns of neural activity. Eventually, these memory engrams get activated by poorly understood retrieval process. The main theme of the program will be a study of neural representations performed both by classical in vivo techniques of multiunit electrophysiology and by recent methods of cellular Calcium imaging in laboratory rodents while performing in cognitive tests. The work will focus on network memory state-changes as a model of memory retrieval in physiology and under the states simulating various human neuropathologies.


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Čtyřleté interní studium fyziologie a patofyziologie mozku.

Typ ukončené vysoké školy není podmínkou, máme zájem o absolventy přírodovědných, technických i humanitních oborů.

Financování ze stipendia a grantových prostředků.

Zájemci nechť se nejlépe předem informují u K. Ježka či K. Blahny

Přihlášky podejte do konce dubna 2018

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How does the brain process information, how is the information stored in form of memory traces and then recalled as memories? How are the movement and memories related? What happens in the brain while dreaming? These and other topics were discussed with researchers from the Biomedical Center during the 20th year of the Brain Awareness Week from 12th to 16th March.

Brain Awareness Week is a unique cycle of lectures on the latest discoveries and trends in in brain research and neuroscience. The Czech event is a part of a worldwide awareness campaign on the successes and benefits of brain research. The Pilsen Medical Faculty has joined this nationwide event for the second time this year.

On the premises of the Study and Science Library, interactive lessons of “Maps In Our Mind” (in English and Spanish), intended for schools, took place during the mornings. Three afternoons of the week were devoted to lectures for the public, as well as a projection of a documentary movie “Vergiss mein nicht” on the subject of Alzheimer's disease. In total, about 150 people took part in the Brain Awareness Week in Pilsen.



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Dr. Karel Blahna was awarded 8 mil. CZK grant to study cognitive processing in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex during sleep. 


A great completion in covering our scietific field across different brain states - we can now study both awake and sleep memory processing in the brain.

The funding brings new postdoc and PhD positions.

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Department of Hemato-Oncology, University Hospital Pilsen and Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen presents on May 3, 2018 from 13:00 at Seminar room (SO 01. 2.21), Biomedical Center, alej Svobody 1655/76, Plzeň 323 00 lectures from leading scientist from Imperial College London.

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Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, invites you to a comprehensive 2-Day Stereology Workshop (April 24–25, 2018) led by Professor Peter R. Mouton, Ph.D. Chief Scientific Officer, Stereology Resource Center, Tampa, FL, USA & Director, Stereology Laboratory at the University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA and visiting professor of Charles University Applications of Unbiased Stereology to Biological Tissue.

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Univerzita Karlova podporuje autory a autorské týmy učebnic Cenou Jaroslava Jirsy za nejlepší učebnici roku. Tato cena je udělována v oborech společenských a humanitních, lékařsko-farmaceutických a přírodních a matematicko-fyzikálních. Cena je nazvána po dlouholetém řediteli univerzitního Nakladatelství Karolinum.

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Univerzita Karlova
Lékařská fakulta v Plzni
Biomedicínské centrum

alej Svobody 1655/76
323 00 Plzeň – Severní Předměstí

T: +420 377 593 810
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