Services offered
We offer services and cooperation in the field of compensation and support functions of vital organs and in the field of reproductive medicine, oncology, organ regeneration and repair. Further research, development and testing:
- Diagnostic and therapeutic devices, diagnostic kits, medical supplies, products / devices for cell therapy, oncology diagnostic tests, new materials for regenerative medicine, for culturing stem cell lines
- Dialysis equipment and accessories, continuous extracorporeal elimination methods, plasmapheresis, immunoadsorption
- New materials with emphasis on their biocompatibility of medical implantable devices, dental implants
- Imaging equipment and accessories
- Diagnostic kits in the field of molecular biology, immunology, immunoassays, oncological diagnostics, laboratory diagnostics (with a focus on flow cytometric methods)
- In the field of prenatal diagnosis and assisted reproduction, clinical genetics, cytogenetics, molecular genetics
- Microscopic techniques and accessories
Prof. MUDr. Martin Matějovič, Ph.D. (Research Programme 1)
Doc. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D. (Research Programme 2)