The lectures are meant for both professional public as well as medical students. The programme of the summer school has been enriched this year by a speech by professor Uta Dahmen, head of the Department of experimental transplantology, University hospital in Jena (Germany), with her lecture titled Experiment in small animal. The lecture provided an excellent overview of a small animal experiment and it also described the most important results of the department. One of the greatest successes is an experimental decellularization of a single liver lobe in vivo on a surviving rodent model.
A second invited speaker was professor Ajay Goel from the Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas (Texas, USA). Professor Goel is a head of the Laboratory of epigenetics and cancer prevention research, but he represents many other both national and international mainly cancer research related institutions. His lecture about non coding RNAs and their potential as tumor markers in the gastrointestinal tract raised very copious discussion.